Our Streams
Streams, places and processes
We have piloted analytical and practical steps in the Pūkorokoro catchment, and can offer those learnings about various options to the wider catchment areas.
WFCG as a whole can continue to operate in conjunction with our partners to assist with matters such as funding efforts and scientific advice as we progress.
Do you live near one of our streams? Want to join a dream stream team? Get in touch!
Do you live near one of our streams? Want to join a dream stream team? Get in touch!
Waharau Catchment
Whakatiwai Stream - includes Waharau Regional Park.
Hauarahi (Kaiaua) Stream - enters Kaiaua behind fire station where planting has been achieved.
Te Puaeharuri Stream - flows from farms along Kaiaua road.
Taramaire - flows from farms along Miranda road.
Pūkorokoro / Miranda Catchment
Pūkorokoro Stream - a restoration project for this stream is underway by the Tiaki Repo ki Pūkorokoro Trust.
Miranda Stream - multiple contributories involving a number of major landowners where significant planting has been achieved.
Other streams - again some signification plantings by landowners (some long prior to our forming) and the catchment group. Some of these streams are fully planted.
Waitakaruru Catchment
Waitakaruru Channel - community planting days and other efforts have meant that planting is nearing completion along this channel.
Other streams and drains - the coastal flats contain smaller streams and drains which can be part of the overall efforts.
Want to know if your place is covered by us?
Contact us and we'll put you in touch with someone looking after your area.
Contact us and we'll put you in touch with someone looking after your area.