Getting Involved

Want to know what you can do to help?
Many hands make light work, so if you are keen to support take a look below for ways to join in and make a difference for this area.

Community Involvement
Want to help rally the troops?

  • Communications - we want to keep informing local people about our work including tree planting, stream quality monitoring, pest control and funding opportunities. Let us know if you'd like to help out!

Give us a hand with planting
Join for planting days and help plant for biodiversity

Pest control
Be a part of our coordinated effort

  • Multiple methods - we have a range of options for helping to reduce the species which predate on our birds. Get in touch to find out more.

Stream monitoring
Help us scale up our efforts

  • Scaleable - EcoQuest have partnered with us to pilot a biannual monitoring methodology in the Pūkorokoro catchment, and then apply these methods to the Waharau and Waikataruru catchments. Please get involved to learn how to do this in your area.

  • What we test for and how - see this page to see what we are testing for, and get a sense of how it is done.

Partners, supporters and funding
Know a thing or to about fundraising or want to give it a go?

We recognise that this effort is ongoing and we need to create strategies to financially support our efforts. Have a think about the below and get in touch with any thoughts!

  • Partners - have good connections that you think could be useful? Or talents at coordinating joint projects?

  • Supporters - do you have suggestions for businesses that might be interested to support with time or services?

  • Fundraising - do you have experience in this and/or just the time and interest to help us see our waterways planted, silt, run-off and pest numbers reduced? Help us bring back bush birds and protect the shorebirds and the Gulf? It's an easy argument to make to funders!

Preventing silt run-off
Ideas for how to get 'er done?

  • Earthworks, culverts - we would like to continue to stabilize vulnerable banks are through the planting of the fast-growing Poplar trees and/or native trees.

  • Silt traps installed - earthworks for silt detention bunds, and building culverts to allow for the passage of native fish is an expensive exercise. How can we find the funds to build all that would be ideal?

Have a question or just want to be kept in the loop?
Contact us at and we'll put you in touch with someone who can help and/or we can get you updates via our mailing list.